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Exhibition "From Plaster To Bronze"
Toronto exhibition 
"From Plaster To Bronze"

Our research builds up on the Rodin collection overviews and museum contacts established by the Rodin-Web since 1996. More than 200 public Rodin collections have been listed and described here and intensive communication has developed with scholars, curators and registrars dealing with Rodin´s Art.

Through our contact with the Maclaren Art Centre in Barrie, Canada, we have been involved in a discussion about the ethical aspects of posthumous casting and the question, what is an "original" in sculpture. A discussion outline submitted by the Rodin-Web in June 2001 has become the basis of a public Symposium on these issues, which took place in Toronto in November 2001. Our complete team attended here, with Hans de Roos as a Symposium speaker.

From the dialogue with other Symposium participants, our research project evolved, comprising the following steps. By opening the submenu or following  the links below, you can access the following summary reports.

READ NOW: Report on our visit in Strasbourg and survey of a monumental Thinker plaster cast; report on our trip to Heilbronn and scanning an Eve plaster.


1. Philosophical and art-historical analysis of the key terms "original", 
    "authentic" and "reproduction" with regard to bronze sculpture casting.

2. Analysis of the Rodin plasters donated to the Maclaren Art Centre, and setting up 
    categories for a scientific catalog.

3. Background research about Rodin´s enlarged Thinker,  inventarization of existing 
     copies, establishing morphological and provenance data in cooperation with Museums.


4. Formulating an empirically oriented research programme to document morphological 
     qualities of selected Rodin works.

5. Exploring mehods of two-dimensional documentation; equipment testing.

6. Exploring methods of three-dimensional documentation; equipment testing.

Reports on the following issues will be published here in due time:

7. Exploring methods to map RGB color information to geometric data.

8. Exploring methods to create difference models to compare various versions 
    of the same sculpture.

9. Exploring methods of web-based representation of visual data capturing.


A list of books and other used sources.



© Copyright 2002 for data collection and research by Hans de Roos.
© Copyright 2002 for Website design by Borbála de Roos.
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Last update of this page: 14.08.2003